Insane Troll Logic

You know what I mean, Tiny Snap Dragon?

or the colours of a ducks feathers

Published by Zombie Princess under , , , , , on Friday, May 22, 2009

I just watched The Foundry’s Anti-discrimination Ad on the Gruen Transfer because all of the hype made me curious. Apparently it was so shocking that it was unable to be aired on the television. Which is somewhat confusing considering the shite that is aired, such as Big Brother and adverts for phone sex.
The thing that actually offended me was the amount of warning put in place to let people know that they might be offended. Because if there was no mention of race or sexuality, and if it was just focused on the fat jokes, it would be a featured video. It offended me that we have to be so politically correct about race but when it comes down to it, if you are discriminating about a persons colour or their shape, it is still about a physical aspect of their being.
I don't see how one type of discrimination is worse than any other. Why is it ok to make fun of someone for being a woman, or blonde, or fat and not ok for the exact same things to be said in relation to a Jew or a brunette?
I think if you want to be politically correct it has to apply to everyone or no-one. There is no graysacle.

live and let die

Published by Zombie Princess under , , , on Thursday, May 21, 2009

When I was living in Brisbane (many many years ago) I lived by the belief that if someone wanted to do something that was their choice. If people wanted to smoke, drink or watch Star Trek Voyager at 2am, that was noone of my business.

Smoking is done in the privacy of their own homes, people did not drink on the public transportation and my bedroom was closest to the television so I was not bothering anyone with my late night viewing habits.
But living in Sydney I am starting to change the way I thinkn about people. No longer is there a 'live and let die' mentality because I am not a passive smoker, I am a non-consentual smoker. The people of Sydney are killing me, slowly and with terrible things that the government makes into anti-smoking adverts.
So no more, I will not let the decisions be made for me, I will not be a passive smoker.
I will take the fight to them.

Published by Zombie Princess under on Thursday, May 21, 2009

whilst I am working..

Published by Zombie Princess under on Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Voice from the other side of the walkway: "Meow.... Meow... I am a man of many tallents."


Published by Zombie Princess under , on Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

Published by Zombie Princess under , , , , on Sunday, May 17, 2009
This Mothers Day we sent some hand made foam monster magnets to my Granny.
Here are a few of the pictures.

If you're going to get into the Evil League of Evil, you have to have a memorable laugh.

Published by Zombie Princess under , , , on Sunday, May 17, 2009
^My new ugg boots

^ A fern growing out of the concourse at teh local train station.

^Ginger on a (relativley) recent trip to Brisbane.

I'd never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love, seems like a good way to go.

Published by Zombie Princess under , on Sunday, May 17, 2009

The thing I like about reading is that noone has taken your idea of what should be and replaced it with a group of crack addicts who lack a back story.
At least this is how I feel about Twilight. I loved the books (ok, not quite as much as I loved the City of Bones/City go Ashes /City of Glass) but the movie left a lot to be desired. For a start some character development, and a cast that is not made to look like crack addicts searching for a role in a porno.
I couldn't bellieve that my two favorite characters were all but eliminated. Alice is barely mentioned and Jasper is only mentioned in passins as 'always looking like he is in pain'. There were several important moments that were missed out, such as Bella saying the same thing to her Father as her mother did when she left.
With that in mind here is my casting choises for a Twilight that incorparates some talent and story development:

(My Revised) Cast List

Edward Cullen - Jason Dohring
Bella Swan - Eliza Dushku
Alice Cullen -Kirsten Dunst
Jasper Hale -Ryan Kwanten
Dr. Carlisle Cullen - Neil Patrick Harris
Esme Cullen - Charisma Carpenter
Rosalie Hale - Emma Caulfield
Emmet Cullen - Teddy Dunn
Charlie Swan - Chuck Norris